ModTweaker:Thaumcraft 4 Support
From MineTweaker 3
Handlers Supported
The following handlers are supported:
- Arcane Workbench
- Aspects
- Crucible
- Infusion
- Loot
- Warp
- Research : Thaumcraft 4 Research Support
NOTE: If you want a recipe that requires a ResearchString to be craftable right away, use one like "ASPECTS" as that does not need to be unlocked.
NOTE: Some Arcane Workbench recipes cannot be removed. If you are unsure whether the error is on your side, post an issue on Github.
Each of these handlers can have recipes added or removed:
Parameters marked as red are optional and can be left out
//Arcane Workbench
//ResearchString, OutputStack, AspectString, InputArray
mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("ASPECTS", <minecraft:stonebrick:3> * 4, "ordo 1", [[<minecraft:stonebrick>, <minecraft:stonebrick>, null],
[<minecraft:stonebrick>, <minecraft:stonebrick>, null],
[null, null, null]]);
//ResearchString, OutputStack, AspectString, InputArray
mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShapeless("VOIDMETAL", <minecraft:ghast_tear>, "aqua 6, terra 6, perditio 6, ordo 6, aer 6, ignis 6", [<minecraft:ender_pearl>, <Thaumcraft:ItemResource:17>]);
//InputStack, AspectString
mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.add(<minecraft:saddle>, "motus 4");
//InputStack, AspectString
mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.set(<Thaumcraft:ItemBucketPure>, "aqua 4, metallum 8, vacous 1, sano 2, auram 2");
//InputStack, AspectString
mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.remove(<minecraft:glowstone_dust>, "lux 2");
//EntityString, AspectString
mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.addEntity("Skeleton", "lucrum 2, mortuus 1");
//EntityString, AspectString
mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.setEntity("Arrow", "telum 1");
//EntityString, AspectString
mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.removeEntity("Creeper", "ignis 2");
//ResearchString, OutputStack, InputStack, AspectString
mods.thaumcraft.Crucible.addRecipe("ENTROPICPROCESSING", <minecraft:dirt>, <minecraft:sapling>, "terra 2, perditio 4");
//ResearchString, MainInputStack, InputArray, AspectString, OutputStack, InstabilityAmount
mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("NITOR", <Thaumcraft:ItemResource:1>, [<minecraft:fire_charge>, <Thaumcraft:ItemResource>, <minecraft:flint_and_steel>], "ignis 20, potentia 10, permutatio 12", <minecraft:fire> * 4, 5);
//ResearchString, EnchantmentID, InstabilityAmount, AspectString, InputArray,
mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addEnchantment("XPBOOST", 45, 5, "victus 10, cognitio 8, vitreus 6", [<minecraft:experience_bottle>, <minecraft:experience_bottle>, <minecraft:experience_bottle>, <Thaumcraft:ItemResource:14>]);
//InputStack, Weight
mods.thaumcraft.Loot.addCommonLoot(<Thaumcraft:ItemNugget:16>, 40);
mods.thaumcraft.Loot.addUncommonLoot(<Thaumcraft:ItemNugget:31>, 20);
mods.thaumcraft.Loot.addRareLoot(<Thaumcraft:ItemEldritchObject:3>, 5);
//ResearchString, WarpAmount
mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("BATHSALTS", 5);
//InputStack, WarpAmount
mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToItem(<Thaumcraft:ItemBathSalts>, 5);
//Overall Warp Removal
Commands Supported
Prints are stored in the minetweaker log in the minecraft directory.
/minetweaker aspectList - Outputs a list of Thaumcraft aspects /minetweaker entities - Outputs a list of strings for Entities /minetweaker research [CATEGORY] - Outputs a list of strings for Thaumcraft researches
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