ModTweaker:Thaumcraft 4 Support
From MineTweaker 3
Handlers Supported
The following handlers are supported:
- Arcane Workbench
- Aspects
- Crucible
- Infusion
- Loot
- Warp
- Research : Thaumcraft 4 Research Support
NOTE: If you want a recipe that requires a ResearchString to be craftable right away, use one like "ASPECTS" as that does not need to be unlocked.
Each of these handlers can have recipes added or removed:
Parameters marked as red are optional and can be left out
//Arcane Workbench
//ResearchString, OutputStack, AspectString, InputArray
mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShaped("ASPECTS", <minecraft:stonebrick:3> * 4, "ordo 1", [[<minecraft:stonebrick>, <minecraft:stonebrick>, null], [<minecraft:stonebrick>, <minecraft:stonebrick>, null], [null, null, null]]);
//ResearchString, OutputStack, AspectString, InputArray
mods.thaumcraft.Arcane.addShapeless("VOIDMETAL", <minecraft:ghast_tear>, "aqua 6, terra 6, perditio 6, ordo 6, aer 6, ignis 6", [<minecraft:ender_pearl>, <Thaumcraft:ItemResource:17>]);
//InputStack, AspectString
mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.add(<minecraft:saddle>, "motus 4");
//InputStack, AspectString
mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.set(<Thaumcraft:ItemBucketPure>, "aqua 4, metallum 8, vacous 1, sano 2, auram 2");
//InputStack, AspectString
mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.remove(<minecraft:glowstone_dust>, "lux 2");
//EntityString, AspectString
mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.addEntity("Skeleton", "lucrum 2, mortuus 1");
//EntityString, AspectString
mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.setEntity("Arrow", "telum 1");
//EntityString, AspectString
mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.removeEntity("Creeper", "ignis 2");
//ResearchString, OutputStack, InputStack, AspectString
mods.thaumcraft.Crucible.addRecipe("ENTROPICPROCESSING", <minecraft:dirt>, <minecraft:sapling>, "terra 2, perditio 4");
//ResearchString, MainInputStack, InputArray, AspectString, OutputStack, InstabilityAmount
mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("NITOR", <Thaumcraft:ItemResource:1>, [<minecraft:fire_charge>, <Thaumcraft:ItemResource>, <minecraft:flint_and_steel>], "ignis 20, potentia 10, permutatio 12", <minecraft:fire> * 4, 5);
//ResearchString, EnchantmentID, InstabilityAmount, AspectString, InputArray,
mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addEnchantment("XPBOOST", 45, 5, "victus 10, cognitio 8, vitreus 6", [<minecraft:experience_bottle>, <minecraft:experience_bottle>, <minecraft:experience_bottle>, <Thaumcraft:ItemResource:14>]);
//InputStack, Weight
mods.thaumcraft.Loot.addCommonLoot(<Thaumcraft:ItemNugget:16>, 40);
mods.thaumcraft.Loot.addUncommonLoot(<Thaumcraft:ItemNugget:31>, 20);
mods.thaumcraft.Loot.addRareLoot(<Thaumcraft:ItemEldritchObject:3>, 5);
//ResearchString, WarpAmount
mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("BATHSALTS", 5);
//InputStack, WarpAmount
mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToItem(<Thaumcraft:ItemBathSalts>, 5);
//Overall Warp Removal
Commands Supported
ModTweaker introduces a command that will print a list of all registered entities and aspects to the minetweaker log.
/minetweaker entities /minetweaker aspects
Commands Supported
Prints are stored in the minetweaker log in the minecraft directory.
/minetweaker botania [HANDLER] - Outputs a list of all Botania recipes /minetweaker botaniaBrews - Outputs a list of keys for botania brews /minetweaker botaniaOrechid - Outputs a list of keys for botania orechid weights
ModTweaker Supported Mods |
Applied Energistics 2 | Aura Cascade | Botania | Chisel 2 | Ex Nihilo | Extra Utilities | Factorization | Flaxbeard's Steam Power Support | Forestry | Mariculture | Mekanism | Metallurgy 4 | PneumaticCraft | Railcraft | Thaumcraft 4 | Thermal Expansion | Tinker's Construct |