ModTweaker is an addon for MineTweaker 3. MineTweaker let's you adjust recipes, removals and additions in Minecraft.
While MineTweaker supports a bunch of mod recipes itself, there are many more mods that it does not support. ModTweaker plans to provide additional support for as many of these mods overtime as possible.
General Usage
In general for all of the supported mods, you can either import them or call them directly.
Throughout the tutorial examples, I will be using the latter just to keep everything concise.
Example with the Blood Magic Ritual of Binding recipes.
import mods.bloodmagic.Binding; Binding.addRecipe(<minecraft:planks>, <minecraft:fishing_rod>);
mods.bloodmagic.Binding.addRecipe(<minecraft:planks>, <minecraft:fishing_rod>);
Mod Support
Currently Supported Mods
The support for these mods is not finalised, there will be additional support added where applicable.
- Blood Magic: Blood Magic Support
- Botania: Botania Support
- Ex Nihilo: Ex Nihilo Support
- Mariculture: Mariculture Support
- Metallurgy 4: Metallurgy 4 Support
- Thaumcraft 4: Thaumcraft 4 Support
- Tinker's Construct: Tinker's Construct Support
Previously Supported Mods
Aka Need them to update
- Big Reactors
- Growthcraft
- Mekanism
- Thermal Expansion
- Tinker's Steelworks
Mods planned to be Supported
- Extra Utilities
- Factorization
- Logistic Pipes
- Pneumaticraft
- Railcraft
- Witchery
Mods suggested and may be Supported
- Dartcraft
- Ender IO
- Hydraulicraft
- Minechem
- Minefantasy
Mods that will NOT be Supported
- Any of Reika's Mods
ModTweaker Supported Mods |
Applied Energistics 2 | Aura Cascade | Botania | Chisel 2 | Ex Nihilo | Extra Utilities | Factorization | Flaxbeard's Steam Power Support | Forestry | Mariculture | Mekanism | Metallurgy 4 | PneumaticCraft | Railcraft | Thaumcraft 4 | Thermal Expansion | Tinker's Construct |