Difference between revisions of "ModTweaker:Thaumcraft 4 Support"

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(Handlers Supported)
(Handlers Supported)
Line 10: Line 10:
Each of these handlers can have recipes added or removed:
Each of these handlers can have recipes added or removed:
//Changing Aspects - Additions, Replacements, Removals
//ItemStack, AspectsList
mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.add(<Botania:manaCookie:*>, "aqua 1, terra 3, tempestas 45");
//ItemStack, AspectsList
mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.set(<minecraft:dirt:*>, "ignis 23");
//ItemStack, AspectsList
mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.remove(<minecraft:glowstone_dust>, "lux 2");
  //Crucible Recipes
  //Crucible Recipes
  //ResearchKey, ResultStack, InputIngredient, AspectsList
  //ResearchKey, ResultStack, InputIngredient, AspectsList
Line 15: Line 23:
  //Infusion recipes
  //Infusion recipes
  //ResearchKey, MainInputStack, ArrayOfInputStacks, AspectsList, ResultStack, Instability
  //ResearchKey, MainInputStack, ArrayOfInputStacks, AspectsList, ResultStack, Instability

Revision as of 16:37, 11 July 2014

Handlers Supported

Please note that the Thaumcraft Integration is a WIP, and Will have support for research changes in the future.

The following handlers are supported:

  • Aspects
  • Crucible
  • Infusion

Each of these handlers can have recipes added or removed:

//Changing Aspects - Additions, Replacements, Removals
//ItemStack, AspectsList
mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.add(<Botania:manaCookie:*>, "aqua 1, terra 3, tempestas 45");
//ItemStack, AspectsList
mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.set(<minecraft:dirt:*>, "ignis 23");
//ItemStack, AspectsList
mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.remove(<minecraft:glowstone_dust>, "lux 2");

//Crucible Recipes
//ResearchKey, ResultStack, InputIngredient, AspectsList
mods.thaumcraft.Crucible.addRecipe("ALUMENTUM", <minecraft:dirt>, <minecraft:sapling:*>, "terra 3, ordo 2, permutatio 12");

//Infusion recipes
//ResearchKey, MainInputStack, ArrayOfInputStacks, AspectsList, ResultStack, Instability
mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("ALUMENTUM", <minecraft:water_bucket>, [<minecraft:dirt>, <minecraft:wheat_seeds>], "terra 1, victus 1, arbor 25", <minecraft:sapling>, 15);

ModTweaker Supported Mods

Applied Energistics 2 | Aura Cascade | Botania | Chisel 2 | Ex Nihilo | Extra Utilities | Factorization | Flaxbeard's Steam Power Support | Forestry | Mariculture | Mekanism | Metallurgy 4 | PneumaticCraft | Railcraft | Thaumcraft 4 | Thermal Expansion | Tinker's Construct