ModTweaker:Ex Nihilo Support

From MineTweaker 3
Revision as of 22:59, 10 July 2014 by Joshie (Talk) (Created page with "== Handlers Supported == The following handlers are supported: * Composting * Crucible Heat Source * Crucible Melting * Hammer Recipes * Sieve Each of these handlers can hav...")

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Handlers Supported

The following handlers are supported:

  • Composting
  • Crucible Heat Source
  • Crucible Melting
  • Hammer Recipes
  • Sieve

Each of these handlers can have recipes added or removed:

// Composting
//InputStack, FillAmount(float 1 = full barrel), HexColor(e.g. "000000" = black)
mods.exnihilo.Composting.addRecipe(<minecraft:planks>, 1.5, "000000"); //Color is optional, defaults to green

// Crucible Heat Sources

ModTweaker Supported Mods

Applied Energistics 2 | Aura Cascade | Botania | Chisel 2 | Ex Nihilo | Extra Utilities | Factorization | Flaxbeard's Steam Power Support | Forestry | Mariculture | Mekanism | Metallurgy 4 | PneumaticCraft | Railcraft | Thaumcraft 4 | Thermal Expansion | Tinker's Construct