ModTweaker:Chisel 2 Support

From MineTweaker 3
Revision as of 17:35, 24 January 2015 by Yulife (Talk)

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Handlers Supported

The following handlers are supported:

  • Groups
  • Variations

Groups are the overall types Variations can be chiseled in. For example Cyan Hex Plating would be the Variation of the Group Hex Plating.


//Group, ItemStack
mods.chisel.Groups.addVariation("hardenedclay", <minecraft:stained_hardened_clay:*>);

Commands Supported

ModTweaker introduces a command that will print a list of all registered groups and variations to the minetweaker log.

/mt chiselGroups
/mt chiselVariations

ModTweaker Supported Mods

Applied Energistics 2 | Aura Cascade | Botania | Chisel 2 | Ex Nihilo | Extra Utilities | Factorization | Flaxbeard's Steam Power Support | Forestry | Mariculture | Mekanism | Metallurgy 4 | PneumaticCraft | Railcraft | Thaumcraft 4 | Thermal Expansion | Tinker's Construct