Difference between revisions of "ModTweaker:Forestry Support"

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(Undo revision 1007 by Voidi (talk))
(Undo revision 1006 by Voidi (talk))
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Each of these handlers can have recipes added or removed:
Each of these handlers can have recipes added or removed:
Parameters marked as <span style="color:red">@Optional</span> are optional and can be left out
Parameters marked as <span style="color:red">@Optional</span> are optional and can be left out
Line 23: Line 24:
                                                             [<minecraft:planks>, null, <minecraft:planks>],  
                                                             [<minecraft:planks>, null, <minecraft:planks>],  
                                                             [null, <minecraft:planks>, null]], <liquid:seedoil> * 100, 20, <minecraft:log>);
                                                             [null, <minecraft:planks>, null]], <liquid:seedoil> * 100, 20, <minecraft:log>);
  //IIngredient output, <span style="color:red">@Optional ILiquidStack fluidInput</span>
  //IIngredient output, <span style="color:red">@Optional ILiquidStack fluidInput</span>
  mods.forestry.Carpenter.removeRecipe(<Forestry:impregnatedCasing>, <liquid:seedoil>);
  mods.forestry.Carpenter.removeRecipe(<Forestry:impregnatedCasing>, <liquid:seedoil>);
Line 31: Line 33:
  you can skip the procent value if you want a 100% Chance
  you can skip the procent value if you want a 100% Chance
  mods.forestry.Centrifuge.addRecipe([<minecraft:leaves>, <minecraft:stick> % 80, <Forestry:beeCombs> % 20], <minecraft:sapling>, 20);  
  mods.forestry.Centrifuge.addRecipe([<minecraft:leaves>, <minecraft:stick> % 80, <Forestry:beeCombs> % 20], <minecraft:sapling>, 20);  
  //IIngredient output
  //IIngredient output
Line 51: Line 54:
  //ILiquidStack fluidOutput, <span style="color:red">@Optional WeightedItemStack itemOutput</span>, IItemStack[] ingredients, int timePerIteminTicks
  //ILiquidStack fluidOutput, <span style="color:red">WeightedItemStack itemOutput</span>, IItemStack[] ingredients, int timePerIteminTicks
  mods.forestry.Squeezer.addRecipe(<liquid:ice> * 1000, <Forestry:craftingMaterial:5> % 200, [<minecraft:packed_ice> * 4, <minecraft:snowball>], 20);  
  mods.forestry.Squeezer.addRecipe(<liquid:ice> * 1000, <Forestry:craftingMaterial:5> % 200, [<minecraft:packed_ice> * 4, <minecraft:snowball>], 20);  
  //IIngredient liquid, <span style="color:red">@Optional IIngredient[] ingredients</span>
  //IIngredient liquid, <span style="color:red">@Optional IIngredient[] ingredients</span>

Revision as of 09:29, 24 October 2015

Handlers Supported

The following handlers are supported:

  • Carpenter
  • Centrifuge
  • Fermenter
  • Moistener
  • Squeezer
  • Still
  • Thermionic Fabricator

Each of these handlers can have recipes added or removed:

Parameters marked as @Optional are optional and can be left out

//IItemStack output, IIngredient[][] ingredients, @Optional ILiquidStack fluidInput, int timePerIteminTicks, @Optional IItemStack boxBoxStack
mods.forestry.Carpenter.addRecipe(<Forestry:oakStick> * 2, [[null, <minecraft:planks>, null],
                                                            [<minecraft:planks>, null, <minecraft:planks>], 
                                                            [null, <minecraft:planks>, null]], 20);
mods.forestry.Carpenter.addRecipe(<Forestry:oakStick> * 2, [[null, <minecraft:planks>, null],
                                                            [<minecraft:planks>, null, <minecraft:planks>], 
                                                            [null, <minecraft:planks>, null]], 20, <minecraft:log>);
mods.forestry.Carpenter.addRecipe(<Forestry:oakStick> * 2, [[null, <minecraft:planks>, null],
                                                            [<minecraft:planks>, null, <minecraft:planks>], 
                                                            [null, <minecraft:planks>, null]], <liquid:seedoil> * 100, 20, <minecraft:log>);
//IIngredient output, @Optional ILiquidStack fluidInput
mods.forestry.Carpenter.removeRecipe(<Forestry:impregnatedCasing>, <liquid:seedoil>);

//WeightedItemStack[] output, IItemStack ingredient, int timePerIteminTicks
mods.forestry.Centrifuge.addRecipe([<minecraft:leaves> % 100, <minecraft:stick> % 80, <Forestry:beeCombs> % 20], <minecraft:sapling>, 20); 
you can skip the procent value if you want a 100% Chance
mods.forestry.Centrifuge.addRecipe([<minecraft:leaves>, <minecraft:stick> % 80, <Forestry:beeCombs> % 20], <minecraft:sapling>, 20); 
//IIngredient output

//ILiquidStack fluidOutput, IItemStack resource, ILiquidStack fluidInput, int fermentationValue, float fluidOutputModifier
mods.forestry.Fermenter.addRecipe(<liquid:honey>, <minecraft:sugar>, <liquid:water>, 100, 2);
//IIngredient input
//IItemStack input, int fermentPerCycle, int burnDuration
mods.forestry.Fermenter.addFuel(<minecraft:dirt:2>, 1000, 1000);
//IIngredient input

//IItemStack input, IItemStack resource, int timePerItem
mods.forestry.Moistener.addRecipe(<minecraft:dirt:2>, <minecraft:grass>, 5000);
//IIngredient input

//ILiquidStack fluidOutput, WeightedItemStack itemOutput, IItemStack[] ingredients, int timePerIteminTicks
mods.forestry.Squeezer.addRecipe(<liquid:ice> * 1000, <Forestry:craftingMaterial:5> % 200, [<minecraft:packed_ice> * 4, <minecraft:snowball>], 20); 
//IIngredient liquid, @Optional IIngredient[] ingredients
mods.forestry.Squeezer.removeRecipe(<liquid:water>, [<Forestry:canWater>]);

//ILiquidStack fluidOutput, ILiquidStack fluidInput, int timePerIteminTicks
mods.forestry.Still.addRecipe(<liquid:bioethanol> * 20, <liquid:juice> * 20, 100); 
//ILiquidStack outputFluid, @Optional ILiquidStack inputFluid
mods.forestry.Still.removeRecipe(<liquid:bioethanol>, <liquid:biomass>);

//Thermionic Fabricator
//int fluidOutput, IItemStack itemInput, int meltingPoint 
//for Refernce: MoltenGlassOutput: Glass & Sand = 1000mB, Glass Pane = 375mB; MeltingTemperature: Glass & Glass Pane = 1000, Sand = 3000
mods.forestry.ThermionicFabricator.addSmelting(375, <minecraft:stained_glass_pane>, 1000); 
//IIngredient itemInput
//IItemStack product, IIngredient[][] ingredients, int fluidInput, @Optional IItemStack plan
mods.forestry.ThermionicFabricator.addCast(<minecraft:beacon>, [[null, null, null], 
                                                                [null, <minecraft:nether_star>, null], 
                                                                [<minecraft:obsidian>, <minecraft:obsidian>, <minecraft:obsidian>]], 1000, <Forestry:waxCast:*>);
//(IIngredient product

ModTweaker Supported Mods

Applied Energistics 2 | Aura Cascade | Botania | Chisel 2 | Ex Nihilo | Extra Utilities | Factorization | Flaxbeard's Steam Power Support | Forestry | Mariculture | Mekanism | Metallurgy 4 | PneumaticCraft | Railcraft | Thaumcraft 4 | Thermal Expansion | Tinker's Construct