Difference between revisions of "ModTweaker:Chisel 2 Support"

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Latest revision as of 14:36, 12 September 2023

Handlers Supported

The following handlers are supported:

  • Groups
  • Variations

Groups are the overall types variations can be chiseled in. For example Cyan Hex Plating would be the Variation of the Group Hex Plating.

Each of these handlers can have recipes added or removed:

Parameters marked as red are optional and can be left out


//Group, ItemStack
mods.chisel.Groups.addVariation("hardenedclay", <minecraft:stained_hardened_clay:*>);

Commands Supported

Prints are stored in the minetweaker log in the minecraft directory.

/mt chiselGroups - Outputs a list of groups
/mt chiselVariations - Outputs a list of variations

ModTweaker Supported Mods

Applied Energistics 2 | Aura Cascade | Botania | Chisel 2 | Ex Nihilo | Extra Utilities | Factorization | Flaxbeard's Steam Power Support | Forestry | Mariculture | Mekanism | Metallurgy 4 | PneumaticCraft | Railcraft | Thaumcraft 4 | Thermal Expansion | Tinker's Construct