From MineTweaker 3
Since MineTweaker 3.0.8, you can now add tooltips to items.
Adding tooltips can be done directly on any kind of ingredient:
<ore:planksWoood>.addTooltip("This is a tooltip"); <minecraft:stick>.addTooltip("These are sticks");
Two kinds of tooltips are available: regular tooltips and tooltips that only appear when the shift key is being pressed:
<minecraft:stick>.addShiftTooltip("Only appears with shift");
Tooltips can be colored and styled using the format functions:
<minecraft:stick>.addTooltip(format.green("This is green text"));
The following formatting functions are available:
format.black format.darkBlue format.darkGreen format.darkAqua format.darkRed format.darkPurple format.gold format.gray format.darkGray format.blue format.green format.aqua format.red format.lightPurple format.yellow format.white format.obfuscated format.bold format.strikethrough format.underline format.italic
Strings (and formatted strings) can be concatenated and nested easily:
<minecraft:stick>.addTooltip(format.green(format.italic("This is a stick") + " with " + format.strikethrough("text")) + " in multiple styles");
Be careful to matche the brackets properly!