ModTweaker:Forestry Support

From MineTweaker 3
Revision as of 16:33, 17 January 2015 by Yulife (Talk)

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Handlers Supported

The following handlers are supported:

  • Bees (0.7+)
  • Carpenter (0.7+)
  • Fermenter (0.7+)
  • Moistener (0.7+)
  • Squeezer (0.7+)
  • Still(0.7+)

Each of these handlers can have recipes added or removed:

// Carpenter Recipes
//Time recipe requires (Ticks), InputFluid, InputStack Box, InputStack Array, OutputStack //InputStack Box is the slot where Cartons and Crates are by default, it can accept any item, optional
mods.forestry.Carpenter.addRecipe(20, <liquid:seedoil> * 100, <minecraft:log:*>, [null, <minecraft:planks:*>, null, <minecraft:planks:*>, null, <minecraft:planks:*>, null, <minecraft:planks:*>, null], <Forestry:oakStick> * 2);
// Fermenter Recipes
//InputStack, FermentationValue, FloatModifier, InputFluid, OutputFluid //FermentationValue [Amount of InputFluid] * FloatModifier [Multiplier for OutputFluid] = Amount of OutputFluid
mods.forestry.Fermenter.addRecipe(<minecraft:sugar>, 100, 2, <liquid:water>, <liquid:for.honey>); //OutputFluid would be 200 [100 * 2]
//OutputStack #WIP
#mods.forestry.Fermenter.removeRecipe(<Forestry:crate>); #WIP
// Moistener Recipes
//Time recipe requires (Ticks), InputStack, OutputStack, 
mods.forestry.Moistener.addRecipe(5000, <minecraft:planks>, <minecraft:dirt:2>); //Fuzzy [:*] Wildcard will not work in InputStack