Planned Versions
From MineTweaker 3
MineTweaker 3.0
Goal: bringing MineTweaker mod support back to where it was and finalizing the initial features
- Simple looping mechanics to add recipes in bulk [todo: document]
- Simple player specific recipes [todo: document]
- Simple function recipes [todo: document]
- Replace modifier can drop items in inventory if replacing a single item in a stack
- IMC messages make it possible for other mods to execute scripts in MineTweaker
- Customize tooltips
- Customize chest loot
- Customize villager trades
- Fix for item names sometimes not changing properly
- Advanced player specific recipes
- Advanced function recipes
- Mod support for BuildCraft
- Mod support for Forestry
MineTweaker 3.1 (asset upgrade)
- Completing all features of the ZenScript scripting engine
- Add include directive for .zsi files (Old style includes)
- Autogenerated documentation on all classes in MineTweaker
- Conditional compilation. Allow different customizations depending on mods installed.
- Custom commands and initial event support
- Ability to store resources in zipped files and directories
- Ability to add simple custom items and blocks
- Ability to modify existing items and blocks (includes block drops)
- Ability to modify mob properties and drops
- Ability to play sounds and music
- Additional event handling
- Custom GUIs
- GUI to add/remove recipes
- Initial version of an editor to help developing with MineTweaker
MineTweaker 3.2 (world upgrade)
- Ability to customize ore generation
- Can add new plants and trees to the world
- Can ban or restrict certain items from generating
- Maybe: add custom biomes and dimensions
MineTweaker 3.2 (world scripting)
Goal: enabling scripting for custom server logic, scripted quests, map puzzels, ...
- Full documentation of the scripting language
- Implemented fully typeless values and typed/typeless conversions
- Closure values (functions can access values defined in outer scopes)
- Full implementation of event handling
- Timed events
- World interaction (modifying blocks, detecting block placement, button presses, ...)
- Player interaction (give/take xp, give/take items, read inventory, ...)
- Ability to store data in world and players and ability to act upon it
- Ability to implement script sequences, send messages
MineTweaker 3.3 (modding upgrade)
- Extended scripting engine with classes and interfaces (can define custom classes and interfaces)
- Can implement custom item and block behavior