Mods:IC2 Support
From MineTweaker 3
Revision as of 20:23, 22 June 2014 by Stan (Talk) (Created page with "IC2 support enables addition of recipes for IC2 machines. NOTE: these recipes cannot reload. Once added, you need to restart Minecraft to undo them. == Machines == The foll...")
IC2 support enables addition of recipes for IC2 machines.
NOTE: these recipes cannot reload. Once added, you need to restart Minecraft to undo them.
The following machines are supported:
- Compressor
- Extractor
- Macerator
- Metal Former
- Ore Washer
- Thermal Centrifuge
Each of these machines can both have recipes added as well as having the output determined for a specific input:
import mods.ic2.Compressor; import mods.ic2.Extractor; import mods.ic2.Macerator; import mods.ic2.MetalFormer; import mods.ic2.OreWasher; import mods.ic2.ThermalCentrifuge; Compressor.addRecipe(<minecraft:planks>, <minecraft:stick>); Extractor.addRecipe(<minecraft:wheat>, <minecraft:bread>); Macerator.addRecipe(<minecraft:wheat> * 2, <minecraft:bread>); MetalFormer.addCuttingRecipe(<minecraft:stick> * 3, <minecraft:planks:*>); MetalFormer.addExtrudingRecipe(<minecraft:stick> * 3, <minecraft:planks:*>); MetalFormer.addRollingRecipe(<minecraft:stick> * 3, <minecraft:planks:*>); OreWasher.addRecipe([<minecraft:wheat>, <minecraft:wheat_seeds>], <minecraft:bread>, 1000); // 1000 = water usage ThermalCentrifuge.addRecipe([<minecraft:wheat>, <minecraft:wheat_seeds>], <minecraft:bread>, 1000); // 1000 = minimum temperature
print(Compressor.getOutput(<minecraft:planks>).name); print(MetalFormer.getCuttingOutput(<minecraft:planks:3>).name);