Mods:Harvest Festival Support

From MineTweaker 3
Revision as of 09:49, 21 December 2017 by Girafi (Talk)

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Handlers Supported

The following handlers are supported as of 0.5.4+: You can only add items with them.

  • Shipping
  • Shop Items

The following handlers are supported as of 0.6.0+:

  • Blacklist
  • Crops
  • Gifting


//ItemStack, SellValue
mods.harvestfestival.Shipping.addShipping(<minecraft:stick>, 100);


For a list of shop names you can use the command /hf shops

 //Adding an item
//ShopName, ItemStack, Cost
mods.harvestfestival.Shops.addPurchasable("harvestfestival:cafe", <minecraft:stick>, 1000);
 //Add an item to the builder shop
//ItemStack, WoodCost, StoneCost, GoldCost
mods.harvestfestival.Shops.addPurchasableToBuilder(<minecraft:stick>, 100, 100, 1000);



  • For a list of npc names you can use the command /hf npcs
  • For a list of item purchasable ids in a shop you can use the command /hf items [shopid]

Attaching a shop to a npc without a shop already

//NPCID, ShopName, ShopGreeting, ShopOpeningHours, OpeningHoursText(Optional), 
mods.harvestfestival.Shops.addShopToNPC("fenn", "Vinery", "Welcome to the vinery!", "monday,8000,22000;tuesday,3000,22000", "Well we're open from 8am to 10pm on Mondays and 3am to 10pm on Tuesdays!");

Remove an item from a shop

 //ShopName, PurchasableID
 mods.harvestfestival.Shops.removePurchasable("harvestfestival:barn", "harvestfestival_treat");

Adjust a value of an item

 //ShopName, PurchasableId, NewGoldCost
 mods.harvestfestival.Shops.adjustPurchasable("harvestfestival:barn", "entityharvestcow", 40000);

Adjust a carpenter price, only works for items that require wood/stone already

 //PurchasableID, NewLogsCost, NewStoneCost, NewGoldCost
 mods.harvestfestival.Shops.adjustCarpenter("harvestfestival_supermarket", 500, 100, 1000000);



 //Preventing a certain type of seeds from being planted.
 //Preventing an hoe from being usable. Useful for disallowing other mods hoes from being used to till soil.
 //Preventing an item from being giftable.


 //Add your own custom crop to Harvest Festival
//Name, Localized name
mods.harvestfestival.Crops.addCrop("kiwi", "Kiwi");
 //Set the drop of your custom crop
//Name, ItemStack
mods.harvestfestival.Crops.setDrop("kiwi", <minecraft:potato>);
 //Set multiple drops for your custom crop
//Name, Drops, Amounts, Chances(Precentage)
mods.harvestfestival.Crops.setDrops("kiwi", [<minecraft:potato>, <minecraft:carrot>], [1, 2], [25, 50]);


 //Add an ItemStack or Ore Dictionary string, as a gift to a certain gift category
//Gift, Category
mods.harvestfestival.Gifting.addGift(<minecraft:potato>, "art");
mods.harvestfestival.Gifting.addGift("gemDiamond", "gem");