Mods:Harvest Festival Support

From MineTweaker 3
Revision as of 23:24, 30 September 2016 by Joshie (Talk) (Handlers Supported)

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Handlers Supported

The following handlers are supported as of 0.5.4+:

  • Shipping
  • Shop Items

These handlers can only have items added:

//ItemStack, SellValue
mods.harvestfestival.Shipping.addShipping(<minecraft:stick>, 100);

For a list of shop names you can use the commands /hf shops

//ShopName, ItemStack, Cost
mods.harvestfestival.Shops.addPurchasable("harvestfestival:cafe", <minecraft:stick>, 1000);
//Builder Shop
//ItemStack, WoodCost, StoneCost, GoldCost
mods.harvestfestival.Shops.addPurchasableToBuilder(<minecraft:stick>, 100, 100, 1000);