Main Page
From MineTweaker 3
Welcome to the MineTweaker 3 wiki! The aim of MineTweaker is to provide modpack creators, server administrators and map makers with the capability of customizing Minecraft without having to write a custom mod for it. All functionality is provided through an easy-to-use scripting language. (no prior knowledge or programming experience required!)
Using MineTweaker, you can...
- Add and remove any crafting recipe
- Add and remove mod machine recipes for supported mods
- Modify the ore dictionary
Additionally, all scripts are sent from server to client, and thus only need to be stored server-side. They can be altered and reloaded without having to restart anything.
- Lesson 1: Introduction
- Lesson 2: Basic Recipes
- Lesson 3: Ore Dictionary
- Lesson 4: Advanced Recipes
Beta version: 3.0 Beta 1
Extending MineTweaker
More than ever before, you can extend MineTweaker with your own functionality.
There are various things you can do:
- You can register global variables with minetweaker.MineTweakerAPI.registerGlobalSymbol(IZenSymbol). Use MineTweakerAPI.getJavaStaticGetterSymbol to get a static getter symbol or MineTweakerAPI.getJavaStaticFieldSymbol to get a static field symbol.
- You can register bracket handlers with minetweaker.MineTweakerAPI.registerBracketHandler(IBracketHandler). Bracket handlers can make it possible to create your own namespace for items/things in specific mods. See the minetweaker.mc17.brackets for example implementations.
- You can register custom classes with minetweaker.MineTweakerAPI.registerClass. Classes must have either a @ZenClass or @ZenExpansion annotation. Classes can be imported and called (handy for mod machines) and expansions can extend existing types (see for examples, as well as minetweaker.item.IItemStack)
- Some day I hope to process these annotations using a transformer, but I didn't get it working yet.
Planned Versions
[Planned_Versions|Planned Versions]