Difference between revisions of "Mods:GregTech Support"

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Line 55: Line 55:
  mods.gregtech.AlloySmelter.addRecipe(<extracells:certustank>, <appliedenergistics2:tile.BlockQuartzGlass> * 8, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:32308> * 0, 800, 30);
  mods.gregtech.AlloySmelter.addRecipe(<extracells:certustank>, <appliedenergistics2:tile.BlockQuartzGlass> * 8, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:32308> * 0, 800, 30);
  //input stack, time in ticks, amount of uu matter in millibuckets
  //input stack, time in ticks, amount of uu matter in millibuckets
  //(1000 millibuckets = 1 Bucket)
  //(1000 millibuckets = 1 Bucket)
Line 62: Line 62:
  Amplifabricator.addRecipe(<minecraft:diamond>, 200, 10);
  Amplifabricator.addRecipe(<minecraft:diamond>, 200, 10);
'''Arc Furnace'''
*'''Arc Furnace'''
  //[output stack1, <span style="color:red">output stack2, output stack3, output stack4</span>], input, liquidInput, [out chance1, <span style="color:red">out chance2, out chance3, out chance4]</span> , time in ticks, energy per tick
  //[output stack1, <span style="color:red">output stack2, output stack3, output stack4</span>], input, liquidInput, [out chance1, <span style="color:red">out chance2, out chance3, out chance4]</span> , time in ticks, energy per tick
  //10000 = 100 % chance on the output Slot (Only available with GT 5.08.* unofficial by Blood Asp)
  //10000 = 100 % chance on the output Slot (Only available with GT 5.08.* unofficial by Blood Asp)
Line 70: Line 70:
  <GalacticraftCore:item.spaceship>, <liquid:oxygen> * 2000, [10000, 10000, 10000], 1200, 32);
  <GalacticraftCore:item.spaceship>, <liquid:oxygen> * 2000, [10000, 10000, 10000], 1200, 32);
  //output stack1, input stack1, input stack2, <span style="color:red">fluid input</span>, time in ticks, energy per tick   
  //output stack1, input stack1, input stack2, <span style="color:red">fluid input</span>, time in ticks, energy per tick   
  //IC 2 RTG Pellets
  //IC 2 RTG Pellets
Line 76: Line 76:
  Assembler.addRecipe(<IC2:itemRTGPellet>, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:22032> * 6, <IC2:itemPlutonium> * 3, <liquid:ic2coolant> * 1000, 1200, 128);
  Assembler.addRecipe(<IC2:itemRTGPellet>, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:22032> * 6, <IC2:itemPlutonium> * 3, <liquid:ic2coolant> * 1000, 1200, 128);
  //output stack, input stack, fluid input, chnace out, time in ticks, energy per tick
  //output stack, input stack, fluid input, chnace out, time in ticks, energy per tick
  //(chance 9000 = 90%)   
  //(chance 9000 = 90%)   
Line 83: Line 83:
  Autoclave.addRecipe(<Thaumcraft:ItemResource:6>, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:2514>, <liquid:water> * 200, 8000, 2000, 32);
  Autoclave.addRecipe(<Thaumcraft:ItemResource:6>, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:2514>, <liquid:water> * 200, 8000, 2000, 32);
'''Electric Blast Furnace'''
*'''Electric Blast Furnace'''
  //[output stack1, <span style="color:red">output stack2</span>], <span style="color:red">fluid input</span>, [input stack1, <span style="color:red">input stack2</span>], time in ticks, energy per tick, temperature
  //[output stack1, <span style="color:red">output stack2</span>], <span style="color:red">fluid input</span>, [input stack1, <span style="color:red">input stack2</span>], time in ticks, energy per tick, temperature
  //heat = max 3600 Kelvin
  //heat = max 3600 Kelvin
Line 94: Line 94:
  500, 480, 2000);   
  500, 480, 2000);   
  //fluid output, input stack, fluid input, hidden (true or false)
  //fluid output, input stack, fluid input, hidden (true or false)
  //(true = Recipe are hidden)
  //(true = Recipe are hidden)
Line 101: Line 101:
  Brewery.addRecipe(<liquid:bacterialsludge> * 750, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:2098>, <liquid:enrichedbacterialsludge> * 750, false);
  Brewery.addRecipe(<liquid:bacterialsludge> * 750, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:2098>, <liquid:enrichedbacterialsludge> * 750, false);
  //[output stack1, <span style="color:red">output stack2</span>], input stack1, input stack2, time in ticks, energy per tick
  //[output stack1, <span style="color:red">output stack2</span>], input stack1, input stack2, time in ticks, energy per tick
  //output stack1, input stack1, input stack2, time in ticks, energy per tick
  //output stack1, input stack1, input stack2, time in ticks, energy per tick
Line 111: Line 111:
  Canner.addRecipe([output1, output2], input1, input2, durationTicks, euPerTick);
  Canner.addRecipe([output1, output2], input1, input2, durationTicks, euPerTick);
  //[output stack1, <span style="color:red">output stack2, output stack3, output stack4</span>], input stack, cells, time in ticks
  //[output stack1, <span style="color:red">output stack2, output stack3, output stack4</span>], input stack, cells, time in ticks
  //[output stack1, <span style="color:red">output stack2, output stack3, output stack4</span>], fluid input, input stack,  input stack cells ,
  //[output stack1, <span style="color:red">output stack2, output stack3, output stack4</span>], fluid input, input stack,  input stack cells ,
Line 124: Line 124:
  <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:85>, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:81>], null, <dreamcraft:item.MoonStoneDust>, null, null, [5000, 2000, 1000, 750, 500, 250], 400, 30);  
  <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:85>, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:81>], null, <dreamcraft:item.MoonStoneDust>, null, null, [5000, 2000, 1000, 750, 500, 250], 400, 30);  
'''Chemical Bath'''
*'''Chemical Bath'''
  //[output stack1, <span style="color:red">output stack2, output stack3</span>], input stack, liquid input, [out chance1, <span style="color:red">out chance2, out chance3</span>], time in ticks, energy per tick
  //[output stack1, <span style="color:red">output stack2, output stack3</span>], input stack, liquid input, [out chance1, <span style="color:red">out chance2, out chance3</span>], time in ticks, energy per tick
  //Black Painter from IC 2
  //Black Painter from IC 2
Line 130: Line 130:
  ChemicalBath.addRecipe([<IC2:itemToolPainterBlack>], <IC2:itemToolPainter>, <liquid:dye.watermixed.dyeblack> * 144, [10000], 200, 2);
  ChemicalBath.addRecipe([<IC2:itemToolPainterBlack>], <IC2:itemToolPainter>, <liquid:dye.watermixed.dyeblack> * 144, [10000], 200, 2);
'''Chemical Reactor'''
*'''Chemical Reactor'''
  //output stack, <span style="color:red">liquid output</span>, input stack1, input stack2, <span style="color:red">liquid input</span>, time in ticks, energy per tick
  //output stack, <span style="color:red">liquid output</span>, input stack1, input stack2, <span style="color:red">liquid input</span>, time in ticks, energy per tick
  //Jeweled Apple from Tinker Construct
  //Jeweled Apple from Tinker Construct
Line 139: Line 139:
  ChemicalReactor.addRecipe(<OpenBlocks:sponge>, null, <minecraft:wool>, <minecraft:slime_ball>, <liquid:water> * 1000, 200);
  ChemicalReactor.addRecipe(<OpenBlocks:sponge>, null, <minecraft:wool>, <minecraft:slime_ball>, <liquid:water> * 1000, 200);
'''Cutting Saw'''
*'''Cutting Saw'''
  //[output stack1, <span style="color:red">output stack2</span>], input stack, lubricant fluid, time in ticks, energy per tick
  //[output stack1, <span style="color:red">output stack2</span>], input stack, lubricant fluid, time in ticks, energy per tick
  //output stack1, output stack2, input stack, lubricant fluid, time in ticks, energy per tick
  //output stack1, output stack2, input stack, lubricant fluid, time in ticks, energy per tick
Line 149: Line 149:
  import mods.gregtech.CuttingSaw;
  import mods.gregtech.CuttingSaw;
  CuttingSaw.addRecipe(<harvestthenether:netherPlanks> * 6, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:2809>, <harvestthenether:netherLog>, <liquid:water> * 5, 200, 8);
  CuttingSaw.addRecipe(<harvestthenether:netherPlanks> * 6, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:2809>, <harvestthenether:netherLog>, <liquid:water> * 5, 200, 8);
*'''Distillation Tower'''
//[liquid output1, <span style="color:red">liquid output2, liquid output3, liquid output4, liquid output5, liquid output6,</span>], input stack, liquid input, time in ticks, energy per tick
import mods.gregtech.DistillationTower;
DistillationTower.addRecipe([liquidOutput1, liquidOutput2, liquidOutput3, liquidOutput4, liquidOutput5, liquidOutput6],  itemOutput, fluidInput, durationTicks, euPerTick);
Formating will be continued
Formating will be continued
import mods.gregtech.DistillationTower;
  import mods.gregtech.Distillery;
  import mods.gregtech.Distillery;
  import mods.gregtech.Extruder;
  import mods.gregtech.Extruder;
Line 185: Line 191:
== The following methods are available: ==
== The following methods are available: ==
DistillationTower.addRecipe([liquidOutput1, liquidOutput2, ...],  itemOutput, fluidInput, durationTicks, euPerTick); (one fluid have to be defined) (Only with GT 5.08.* by Blood Asp)
  Distillery.addRecipe(output, circuit, input, durationTicks, euPerTick, true or false); (false= Recipe are visible)
  Distillery.addRecipe(output, circuit, input, durationTicks, euPerTick, true or false); (false= Recipe are visible)
  Electrolyzer.addRecipe([output1, output2, output3, output4], input, cells, duration, euPerTick);
  Electrolyzer.addRecipe([output1, output2, output3, output4], input, cells, duration, euPerTick);

Revision as of 12:08, 16 September 2015

Handlers Supported

The following handlers are supported:

  • Alloy Smelter
  • Amplifabricator
  • Arc Furnace
  • Assembler
  • Autoclave
  • Blast Furnace
  • Brewery
  • Canner
  • Centrifuge
  • Chemical Bath
  • Chemical Reactor
  • CuttingSaw
  • DistillationTower
  • Distillery
  • Extruder
  • Electrolyzer
  • Fermenter
  • Fluid Canner
  • Fluid Extractor
  • Fluid Heater
  • Fluid Solidifier
  • Forge Hammer
  • Forming Press
  • Fuels
  • FusionReactor
  • Implosion Compressor
  • Lathe
  • Mixer
  • Packer
  • Plasma Arc Furnace
  • Plate Bender
  • Plate Cutter
  • Polarizer
  • Precision Laser
  • Printer
  • Pulverizer
  • Separator
  • Sifter
  • Slicer
  • Unpacker
  • VacuumFreezer
  • Wiremill

Each of these handlers can have recipes added. These recipes are not undoable, and will be stuck when you alter and reload them. Reloading scripts without altering the scripts will not result in any issues, as MineTweaker will detect those cases.

Parameters marked as red are optional and can be left out

  • Alloy Smelter
//output stack1, input stack1, input stack2, time in ticks, energy per tick
import mods.gregtech.AlloySmelter;
mods.gregtech.AlloySmelter.addRecipe(<extracells:certustank>, <appliedenergistics2:tile.BlockQuartzGlass> * 8, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:32308> * 0, 800, 30);
  • Amplifabricator
//input stack, time in ticks, amount of uu matter in millibuckets
//(1000 millibuckets = 1 Bucket)
//UU mater out of diamond
import mods.gregtech.Amplifabricator;
Amplifabricator.addRecipe(<minecraft:diamond>, 200, 10);
  • Arc Furnace
//[output stack1, output stack2, output stack3, output stack4], input, liquidInput, [out chance1, out chance2, out chance3, out chance4] , time in ticks, energy per tick
//10000 = 100 % chance on the output Slot (Only available with GT 5.08.* unofficial by Blood Asp)
//Galacticraft tier 1 rocket recycling
import mods.gregtech.ArcFurnace;
ArcFurnace.addRecipe([<gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:32462> * 16, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:32462> * 16, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:11305> * 32], 
<GalacticraftCore:item.spaceship>, <liquid:oxygen> * 2000, [10000, 10000, 10000], 1200, 32);
  • Assembler
//output stack1, input stack1, input stack2, fluid input, time in ticks, energy per tick  
//IC 2 RTG Pellets
import mods.gregtech.Assembler;
Assembler.addRecipe(<IC2:itemRTGPellet>, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:22032> * 6, <IC2:itemPlutonium> * 3, <liquid:ic2coolant> * 1000, 1200, 128);
  • Autoclave
//output stack, input stack, fluid input, chnace out, time in ticks, energy per tick
//(chance 9000 = 90%)  
//Thaumcraft Amber out of Dust
import mods.gregtech.Autoclave;
Autoclave.addRecipe(<Thaumcraft:ItemResource:6>, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:2514>, <liquid:water> * 200, 8000, 2000, 32);
  • Electric Blast Furnace
//[output stack1, output stack2], fluid input, [input stack1, input stack2], time in ticks, energy per tick, temperature
//heat = max 3600 Kelvin
//Titan Ingots out of Titanium Shards (Galacticraft)
import mods.gregtech.BlastFurnace;
BlastFurnace.addRecipe([<gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:11028>], [<GalacticraftMars:item.itemBasicAsteroids:4> * 2], 1500, 120, 1500);
//Graphene out of Silicon and Graphite with Oxygen(This recipes not make sense need a new one)
import mods.gregtech.BlastFurnace;
BlastFurnace.addRecipe([<gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:2819>], <liquid:oxygen> * 1000, [<gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:2865>, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:2020>], 
500, 480, 2000);  
  • Brewery
//fluid output, input stack, fluid input, hidden (true or false)
//(true = Recipe are hidden)
//Radioactive Bacterial Sludge (Some fluid i create but possible with all other fluids too)
import mods.gregtech.Brewery;
Brewery.addRecipe(<liquid:bacterialsludge> * 750, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:2098>, <liquid:enrichedbacterialsludge> * 750, false);
  • Canner
//[output stack1, output stack2], input stack1, input stack2, time in ticks, energy per tick
//output stack1, input stack1, input stack2, time in ticks, energy per tick
//Project Red Empty Battery
import mods.gregtech.Canner;
Canner.addRecipe(<ProjRed|Expansion:projectred.expansion.emptybattery>, <ProjRed|Core:projectred.core.part:56> * 6, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:32500>, 100, 2);
//no example recipes atm
import mods.gregtech.Canner;
Canner.addRecipe([output1, output2], input1, input2, durationTicks, euPerTick);
  • Centrifuge
//[output stack1, output stack2, output stack3, output stack4], input stack, cells, time in ticks
//[output stack1, output stack2, output stack3, output stack4], fluid input, input stack,  input stack cells ,
//fluid output, [out chance1, out chance2, out chance3, out chance4], time in ticks, energy per tick
//(cells = how many cells)
//Tiny TNT from Applied Energistics 2
import mods.gregtech.Centrifuge;
Centrifuge.addRecipe([<appliedenergistics2:tile.BlockTinyTNT>, <appliedenergistics2:tile.BlockTinyTNT>], <IC2:blockITNT>, 0, 600);
//Moon Dust (Some item I create but possible with all items too)
import mods.gregtech.Centrifuge;
Centrifuge.addRecipe([<gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:1837>, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:1031>, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:1505>, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:891>, 
<gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:85>, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:81>], null, <dreamcraft:item.MoonStoneDust>, null, null, [5000, 2000, 1000, 750, 500, 250], 400, 30); 
  • Chemical Bath
//[output stack1, output stack2, output stack3], input stack, liquid input, [out chance1, out chance2, out chance3], time in ticks, energy per tick
//Black Painter from IC 2
import mods.gregtech.ChemicalBath;
ChemicalBath.addRecipe([<IC2:itemToolPainterBlack>], <IC2:itemToolPainter>, <liquid:dye.watermixed.dyeblack> * 144, [10000], 200, 2);
  • Chemical Reactor
//output stack, liquid output, input stack1, input stack2, liquid input, time in ticks, energy per tick
//Jeweled Apple from Tinker Construct
import mods.gregtech.ChemicalReactor;
ChemicalReactor.addRecipe(<TConstruct:diamondApple>, <minecraft:diamond_block> * 8, <minecraft:golden_apple:1>, 3600);
//Open Blocks Sponge
import mods.gregtech.ChemicalReactor;
ChemicalReactor.addRecipe(<OpenBlocks:sponge>, null, <minecraft:wool>, <minecraft:slime_ball>, <liquid:water> * 1000, 200);
  • Cutting Saw
//[output stack1, output stack2], input stack, lubricant fluid, time in ticks, energy per tick
//output stack1, output stack2, input stack, lubricant fluid, time in ticks, energy per tick
//(lubricant fluid = any liquid)
//Wooden Pressure Plate
import mods.gregtech.CuttingSaw;
CuttingSaw.addRecipe([<minecraft:wooden_pressure_plate> * 2], <minecraft:wooden_slab:*>, <liquid:water> * 4, 50, 4);
//Nether Planks from Pam's Hrvestcraft Nether
import mods.gregtech.CuttingSaw;
CuttingSaw.addRecipe(<harvestthenether:netherPlanks> * 6, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:2809>, <harvestthenether:netherLog>, <liquid:water> * 5, 200, 8);
  • Distillation Tower
//[liquid output1, liquid output2, liquid output3, liquid output4, liquid output5, liquid output6,], input stack, liquid input, time in ticks, energy per tick
import mods.gregtech.DistillationTower;
DistillationTower.addRecipe([liquidOutput1, liquidOutput2, liquidOutput3, liquidOutput4, liquidOutput5, liquidOutput6],  itemOutput, fluidInput, durationTicks, euPerTick);

Formating will be continued

import mods.gregtech.Distillery;
import mods.gregtech.Extruder;
import mods.gregtech.Electrolyzer;
import mods.gregtech.Fermenter;
import mods.gregtech.FluidCanner;
import mods.gregtech.FluidExtractor;
import mods.gregtech.FluidHeater;
import mods.gregtech.FluidSolidifier;
import mods.gregtech.ForgeHammer;
import mods.gregtech.FormingPress;
import mods.gregtech.Fuels;
import mods.gregtech.FusionReactor;
import mods.gregtech.ImplosionCompressor;
import mods.gregtech.Lathe;
import mods.gregtech.Mixer;
import mods.gregtech.Packer;
import mods.gregtech.PlasmaArcFurnace;
import mods.gregtech.PlateBender;
import mods.gregtech.PlateCutter;
import mods.gregtech.Polarizer;
import mods.gregtech.PrecisionLaser;
import mods.gregtech.Printer;
import mods.gregtech.Pulverizer;
import mods.gregtech.Separator;
import mods.gregtech.Sifter;
import mods.gregtech.Slicer;
import mods.gregtech.Unpacker;
import mods.gregtech.VacuumFreezer;
import mods.gregtech.Wiremill;

The following methods are available:

Distillery.addRecipe(output, circuit, input, durationTicks, euPerTick, true or false); (false= Recipe are visible)
Electrolyzer.addRecipe([output1, output2, output3, output4], input, cells, duration, euPerTick);
Extruder.addRecipe(output, input2 shape, durationTicks, euPerTick);
Fermenter.addRecipe(output, input,  durationTicks, true or false); (true = Recipe are hidden)
FluidCanner.addRecipe(output, input, liquidOutput, liquidInput);
FluidExtractor.addRecipe(output, input, liquidOutput, outputChance, durationTicks, euPerTick); (5000 = 50% outputChance)
FluidHeater.addRecipe(LiquidOutput, itemInput, liquidInput, durationTicks, euPerTick); 
FluidSolidifier.addRecipe(output, mold, liquidInput, durationTick, euPerTick);
ForgeHammer.addRecipe(output, input, durationTicks, euPerTick);
FormingPress.addRecipe(output, input1, input2, durationTicks, euPerTick);
Fuels.addDieselFuel(output, input, euPerMillibucket);
Fuels.addGasTurbineFuel(output, input, euPerMillibucket);
Fuels.addThermalGeneratorFuel(output, input, euPerMillibucket);
Fuels.addDenseFluidFuel(output, input, euPerMillibucket);
Fuels.addPlasmaGeneratorFuel(output, input, euPerMillibucket);
Fuels.addMagicGeneratorFuel(output, input, euPerMillibucket);
FusionReactor.addRecipe(liquidOutput, liquidInput1, liquidInput2, durationTicks, euPerTick, startEnergy); (Only with GT 5.08.* by Blood Asp)
ImplosionCompressor.addRecipe(output, input, numTnt);
ImplosionCompressor.addRecipe([output1, output2], input, numTnt);
Lathe.addRecipe(output, input, durationTicks, euPerTick);
Lathe.addRecipe([output1, output2], input, durationTicks, euPerTick);
Mixer.addRecipe(output, liquidOutput, input1, input2, input3, input4, liquidInput, durationTicks, euPerTick);
PlasmaArcFurnace.addRecipe([output1, output2, ...], liquidOutput, input, liquidInput, [chance1, chance2, ...], durationTicks, euPerTick); (Only with GT 5.08.* by Blood Asp)
Packer.addRecipe(output, input1, input2, durationTicks, euPerTick);
PlateBender.addRecipe(output, input, durationTicks, euPerTick);
PlateCutter.addRecipe(output, input, durationTicks, euPerTick);
PlateCutter.addRecipe(output1, output2], input, durationTicks, euPerTick); (CuttingSaw)
Polarizer.addRecipe(output, input,  durationTicks, euPerTick);
PrecisionLaser.addRecipe(output, lense, input, durationTicks, euPerTick);
Printer.addRecipe(output, input, DataStick, liquidInput, durationTicks, euPerTick); 
Pulverizer.addRecipe([output, output2, output3, output4], input, [chance1, chance2, chance3, chance4], durationTicks, euPerTick);
Separator.addRecipe(output1, output2, outpu3, input, [chance1, chance2, chance3], durationTicks, euPerTick);
Sifter.addRecipe([output1, output2, ...], input, [chance1, chance2, ...], durationTicks, euPerTick);
Slicer.addRecipe(output1, input, blade, durationTicks, euPerTick);
Unpacker.addRecipe(outpu1, output2, input, durationTicks, euPerTick); 
VacuumFreezer.addRecipe(output, input, durationTicks);
Wiremill.addRecipe(output, input, durationTicks, euPerTick);