Difference between revisions of "Mods:BuildCraft Support"

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Latest revision as of 14:36, 12 September 2023

Handlers Supported

The following handlers are supported:

  • Assembly Table
  • Combustion Engine
  • Integration Table
  • Refinery

Each of these handlers can have recipes added or removed:

Parameters marked as red are optional and can be left out

//Assembly Table
//OutputStack, InputRF, InputArray
mods.buildcraft.AssemblyTable.addRecipe(<BuildCraft|Transport:pipePlug>, 5000, [<minecraft:gravel>, <minecraft:cobblestone> * 2, <minecraft:glass>]);
//OutputStack, InputArray, isWildcard
mods.buildcraft.AssemblyTable.removeRecipe(<BuildCraft|Silicon:redstoneChipset>, [<minecraft:redstone>], false);

//Combustion Engine
//InputFluid, OutputRF per Cycle, BurningTime in Ticks
mods.buildcraft.Fuels.addCombustionEngineFuel(<liquid:lava>, 5000, 200);
//InputFluid, OutputCooling by mB
mods.buildcraft.Fuels.addCombustionEngineCoolant(<liquid:oil>, 100);
//InputStack, OutputFluid
mods.buildcraft.Fuels.addCoolantItem(<minecraft:ice>, <liquid:water> * 1000);
//InputStack, OutputFluid, Multiplier
mods.buildcraft.Fuels.addCoolantItemWithMultiplier(<minecraft:packed_ice>, <liquid:water> * 4000, 2);

//Integration Table

//OutputFluid, RF per mB, Ticks per mB, InputFluid1, InputFluid2
mods.buildcraft.Refinery.addRecipe(<liquid:oil> * 2, 25, 25, <liquid:water>, <liquid:lava>);