Difference between revisions of "Mods:BuildCraft Support"

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(Created page with "This mod support is currently being documented. Meanwhile, have some example code, as usage should be fairly straightforward from this: import mods.buildcraft.AssemblyTable...")
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NOTE: BuildCraft 6.1 is not yet supported!
This mod support is currently being documented.
This mod support is currently being documented.

Revision as of 19:49, 19 October 2014

NOTE: BuildCraft 6.1 is not yet supported!

This mod support is currently being documented.

Meanwhile, have some example code, as usage should be fairly straightforward from this:

import mods.buildcraft.AssemblyTable;
import mods.buildcraft.IntegrationTable;
import mods.buildcraft.Fuels;
import mods.buildcraft.Refinery;

AssemblyTable.addRecipe(<minecraft:lever>, 1000, [<minecraft:cobblestone>, <minecraft:stick>]);
AssemblyTable.removeRecipe(<*>, [<minecraft:redstone>], true);

IntegrationTable.addRecipe(<minecraft:lever>, 1000, <minecraft:cobblestone>, <minecraft:stick>);
IntegrationTable.removeRecipe(<*>, <*>, <BuildCraft|Silicon:redstoneChipset:4>);

Fuels.addCombustionEngineFuel(<liquid:coal>, 1, 1000);

Fuels.addCombustionEngineCoolant(<liquid:fuel>, 10);

Refinery.addRecipe(<liquid:lava>, 1, 1, <liquid:water>, <liquid:oil>);