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(Created page with "== Handlers Supported == The following handlers are supported: * Arc Furnace * Blast Furnace * Coke Oven * Crusher * Fermenter * Refinery * Squeezer Each of these handlers c...")
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The following handlers are supported:
The following handlers are supported:
* Arc Furnace
* Biomass Burner
* Blast Furnace
* Coke Oven
* Crusher
* Crusher
* Fermenter
* Crushing Table
* Grinder
* Oil Distillery
* Polymerizer
* Refinery
* Refinery
* Squeezer
* Sifter
* Thermopile
Each of these handlers can have recipes added or removed:
Each of these handlers can have recipes added or removed:

Revision as of 15:37, 3 October 2015

Handlers Supported

The following handlers are supported:

  • Biomass Burner
  • Crusher
  • Crushing Table
  • Grinder
  • Oil Distillery
  • Polymerizer
  • Refinery
  • Sifter
  • Thermopile

Each of these handlers can have recipes added or removed:

Parameters marked as red are optional and can be left out

//Biomass Burner
//InputStack, Time in Ticks
mods.magneticraft.BiomassBurner.addFuel(<minecraft:sugar>, 50);

//InputStack, OutputStack1, OutputStack2, OutputStackChance2, OutputStack3, OutputStackChance3
mods.magneticraft.Crusher.addRecipe(<minecraft:sandstone>, <minecraft:sand> * 2, <minecraft:sand>, 0.5, <minecraft:sand>, 0.2);

//Crushing Table
//InputStack, OutputStack
mods.magneticraft.CrushingTable.addRecipe(<minecraft:bucket>, <minecraft:iron_ingot> * 3);

//InputStack, OutputStack1, OutputStack2, OutputStackChance2, OutputStack3, OutputStackChance3
mods.magneticraft.Grinder.addRecipe(<Magneticraft:roofTile> * 2, <minecraft:brick> * 2, <minecraft:brick> * 2, 0.8, <minecraft:brick>, 0.5);

//Oil Distillery
//InputFluid, OutputFluid, InputRF
mods.magneticraft.OilDistillery.addRecipe(<liquid:lava> * 100, <liquid:oil>, 200);

//InputFluid, InputStack, OutputStack, TemperatureAmount
mods.magneticraft.Polymerizer.addRecipe(<liquid:oil> * 1000, <minecraft:leaves>, <Magneticraft:item.plastic>, 1000);

//InputFluid, OutputFluid1, OutputFluid2, OutputFluid3
mods.magneticraft.Refinery.addRecipe(<liquid:lava> * 1000, <liquid:hotcrude> * 600, <liquid:naturalgas> * 200, <liquid:oil> * 200);

//InputStack, OutputStack1, OutputStack2, OutputStackChance2
mods.magneticraft.Sifter.addRecipe(<minecraft:glowstone_dust>, <Magneticraft:item.dust:1>, <Magneticraft:item.dustSulfur>, 0.8);

//InputBlock, TemperatureAmount
mods.magneticraft.Thermopile.addHotSource(<Magneticraft:blockhotcrude>, 100);
//InputBlock, TemperatureAmount
mods.magneticraft.Thermopile.addColdSource(<minecraft:packed_ice>, 100);